What should I draw for my next freebie pic

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Status update

Well another episode of my mystery illness has come and gone leaving me seemingly none the worse for wear except for a couple of days lost productivity. The doctors are still clueless as to the cause but at least my veterans benefits footed the bill for the Cat-scans although this being the VA hospital its probably powered by actual Cats.

I also can blame my freind Bevis for another 2 days of lost art productivity thanks to him introducing me to yet ANOTHER extremely addictive videogame. This time it was Recettear: An Item shop's Story

I won't go much further than saying that Its Very cute and very addictive and completely distracted from what i was supposed to be doing for 2 days, more if you counted the time I spent on the Gamefaq boards talking about the game.

Dispite the setbacks, and the normal BS that everyday puts me through I managed to get quite a bit done on the large Sailor Moon comission.

1 comment:

  1. Looking very nice(quite clever with the color coding). Always like to see Mars in a dominate position. Jupiter's chocker is quite cute and I love the way the maid outfit hangs off her, like the frills too.

    Also, sorry to hear about your mystery illness, it really sucks when the doctors can't figure out what the hell is wrong, given it's their job.

