What should I draw for my next freebie pic

Saturday, June 5, 2010

H-artist replacement site up and running

As you probably know, I started this blog when my previous location for posting artwork H-artists closed down. Most of the artists tried to keep in contact with each other and keep the freindly active community of Adult artists alive. I have recently learned that they have managed to throw the resources toghether to restart a new site with the similar purpose of promoting the artwork of various talented adult and hentai artists. I'm still going to use this blog as my primary site for posting my artwork, however any aspiring artists who want pointers or perverted Hentai fans who want to see some boobies their page is currently at hentai community.com


  1. So does that mean this is gonna stop updating?

  2. No it does not mean that, THIS will remain my primary site for the foreeeable future
